Saturday, February 26, 2011

Caroline THE Canadian Artist

     Over the past few months I have made many new (really good) friends.  One of my friends from the DTS is a girl named Caroline, who is a fine artist (she is also taking drum lessons from me, ha ha. She's pretty good!).
     The more I have gotten to know her, the more we have started doing art together.  It has almost become a weekend or free day tradition.  She is very inspiring and has taught me so much without "teaching" me at all.  We just have fun together doing silly art, including portraits (the ones I draw always end up being covered in paint to add texture.... and to cover up most of the face that I drew so it will look better, ha ha).
     Caroline has went to school for fine art and she has her own studio back home where she makes SO MANY cool pieces of art.  It is always a fun thing seeing what she makes on the weekends and in the creative weeks.  God has really been working in Caroline this year, and it is so cool watching her transform into who God has made her to be.

One day while drawing portraits of each other, Caroline made this picture of me in a short period of time, and it looks AWESOME.


Thank you for the picture, and all the time you spend putting up with me and doing art together : ) 

If you want to check out this awesome girl, take a gander at her blog, and then let that gander turn into an obsession.

Click on her name beloooooooow

Here is a picture of her getting attacked by meeeeee

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Brother


Tall, and getting taller. 
Quiet, but starting to become more outgoing.
Cute, getting cuter (Cutie pie!  Girls look out!).
GREAT at building Legos.
Likes to play Little Big Planet (2) and Battlefield Bad Company (2) for PS3.

(The design with the words kind of looks like a squished Christmas tree)

I love you so much.  I know it is different with me living in Norway.  I love you and miss you even though I'm here.  The distance does not mean that you are any less a part of my life or that I have forgotten you.  I hope you have a FANTASTIC (golden) 16th birthday today.  I want everyone, including you, to know that you are the best little brother I could have or want!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Got Valentine's Day Cards

Played the box for morning worship

Met our 4 new teachers for the week:
Rad snowboarders/skiers who LIVE the awesome lifestyle
 that they say God wants us to live

Drank a bunch of water

Øystein gave me my first guitar lesson: 
C-Scale, A Minor, D Minor, E Minor, B, C, F (Good teacher, went GREAT)

Great Day.  Success.


So, I figured it was about time for you to meet the two guys I have been living with at the DTS since September.

Really cool guy.
Plays guitar.
Plays bass.
Loves the Liverpool Football Club.
Has a cool laugh.
Staffing next year at the DTS for the Music Track.

Justen (or Justin originally, but he spells it both ways):
-One of the nicest guys you'll meet.
-Plays everything (including the glockenspiel).
-Is hoping to stay in Norway next year as an Artist In Residence at the DTS base.
-Is becoming more and more bold in a positive way.

Yeahh... They're cool dudes.

Friday, February 11, 2011

KRIK Høyfjellssenter

Yo!  This was a video that I tried to upload quite a few months ago, BUT it always said it would take over 3000 hours to upload.  Now it isn't saying that, SO here it is!

Cheesy.  Fun.  Beautiful, exciting place.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

That Little Happy Feeling Inside Your Tummy

Now, we have all had those times when someone says or does something for us that really sets off our happy-dar (Pronunciation:  hæpi-dɑːr.  Definition:  A device similar to a radar that is implanted in every human being that alerts your heart and attitude when something makes you happy). 

Let me tell you something that you already know...
When someone writes you a letter, gives you a present or just does something nice towards you...
This isn't just a self-help tool, BUT it is encouraging, biblical and really does help restore broken or damaged areas in your life.

Since the beginning of the year I have been blessed with many things that send my happy-dar tingling, buzzing and or even screaming.  Here are a few encouraging things that have helped me to realize truths God has created me to live in and also truths that He has spoken over me (and some over EVERYONE).  I have found these uplifting notes from friends and leaders here at the DTS in places ranging from my mailbox to my pillowcase to hanging on my door.

Do you have opportunities to encourage people through notes like these?  Anything from saying 'hi' and smiling to a stranger to telling someone you like their shoelaces to buying them a gift, if done with the right attitude, can make someone's minute, day, week or life.  Think about it.

Here is me speaking life into you from truths God, Himself has for you.
Psalm 139:13-18
- For you created my inmost being; 
   you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
   your works are wonderful, 
   I know that full well. 
 My frame was not hidden from you 
   when I was made in the secret place, 
   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 
 Your eyes saw my unformed body; 
   all the days ordained for me were written in your book 
   before one of them came to be. 
 How precious to me are your thoughts, God! 
   How vast is the sum of them! 
 Were I to count them, 
   they would outnumber the grains of sand— 
   when I awake, I am still with you.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

HEY! From Norway

This is another blog post from way back in the day (a few months after I came to Norway).  This post is from a while back though still.

God is SO great! He has blessed me with an AMAZING time in Norway so far. I have grown so much and have become much closer to Him.

The first week I was in Norway I went on a mission trip with around 40 Norwegian teenagers

and youth group leaders to Rainham, England. It is a town known for youth violence and disruptions. In the week we were there the police said that it was one of the most peaceful weeks they could remember - they described it as having the week off. The week was filled with excitement and heart touching realizations. It ended with a concert and a barbecue that was attended by many teens and children with their families. Nine people were saved, many seeds were planted, and a youth group for getting the new Christians started was formed. God's presence was there.
After England, I had two days to relax in Stavanger, Norway before I headed off to my first volunteer. I arrived outside of Bergen with a group of about 30 people (staff and participants) for a camp for mentally and physically handicapped teenagers and adults. It was touching to see how just showing the campers love and talking to them (even though I don't speak Norwegian; some of them spoke a little English) made them glow with happiness. Over the course of that week I grew in showing unconditional love and humbling myself. It is a lesson that didn't benefit me just with working with the students, but in every area of my life.

The next two weeks I had off to enjoy with many of my new Norwegian friends in Bergen, Norway. I was able to see so many beautiful places. It was fantastic! The following week I attended KRIK ARENA, which is a Christian sports camp. The worship and teaching were great and the people were amazing as well. There were many different sports to choose to learn and play throughout the week. Since I have played many sports before, I thought I would try a new one and chose acrobatics. I learned how to do a front flip, front flip 180, side flip and back flip. One day while the sports photography group was there I attempted a double front flip... and landed on my face, my knee went into my chin causing my chin to split open. The hole was so big that I could stick my pinky finger in it. I ended up with three stitches under my chin. The pain was different than usual because my pride hurt the most, then my busted lip, then my sore legs and finally my face (it hurt the least of all, ha ha). It was a GREAT overall experience, though.

My next stop was in Hemsedal, Norway at the KRIK mountainside hotel. The Christian sports organization has had a hotel there for years. Hemsedal is one of the best places for skiing in Norway. While volunteering there I went rock climbing, telephone pole climbing and hiked up mountains for the first time. Working there consisted of mowing, preparing and serving food, cleaning the kitchen, running the front desk and register, cleaning rooms, and doing any other tasks that needed to be done.

I have been accepted into a Creative DTS (Discipleship Training School) for the Music Track (playing drums and singing). DTS is the training school for YWAM (Youth With A Mission). The school trains you in using your artistic abilities for God (and also your daily life). It also has teachings on many other things, such as God's nature and character, the prophetic and other things for building a stronger relationship with God. In the U.S. I was told that I could apply for my Residence and Work Permit in Oslo, Norway so that I could stay here for the school. When I arrived I was informed that I could only apply in the U.S. I contacted the embassy, police office, and the immigration office to see if they could make an exception because of the misunderstanding. After doing more than a day’s worth of just riding in buses and trains around Norway looking for where I should apply, I ended up in Ålesund. The DTS housed me while I was applying, even though the school did not start for another week. After applying and making more calls, I discovered that since my application was being processed I could legally stay in Norway. That guarantees at least another 8 weeks of being in Norway. At that time my application is sure to be accepted and then I can stay for the entire year! Thank You God!!! I am SOO excited to see the ways in which God will grow me during my schooling! Praise God!

I know SO many people have been (and still are) praying for me, and I just want to take the time to thank you all for that. You and God are the reasons that I am able to be here and why I have grown so much already. Thank you so much. I definitely feel God is calling me to stay here for the schooling and I have been praying that God would tell or show me otherwise if I was not supposed to be here, but He has continued to show and tell me that I AM supposed to be here.

Thank you for all your prayers and/or financial support so far. This schooling is expensive though and they encourage the students and staff to raise money through contact with people (doing our part) and relying on God to provide the finances. The cost of this school is 50,000.00 Norwegian Kroners, which is approximately 8,500.00 U.S. Dollars. All of this has been paid except for 8000 Norwegian Kroners ($1,386.19).  This includes: food, housing, teaching, musical instrument and recording use, mini outreach, outreach (to countries such as France, South Africa or India) and pretty much everything else (except shampoo, toothpaste, etc.) I would be blessed if I could have your continued support-spiritual and financial. As I know God is calling me to this, I know He will help provide.

You may think paying off the whole amount of my school or giving $200 is the only way to make a financial difference for me here. Yes, these two gifts WOULD make a huge difference! But YOUR contribution of $5 or more would also help.  Maybe you don't even have money to give but you or a group you are involved in would want to put together some support to help with the training I am receiving. If you cannot help in this way, don't worry, truly God has it all under control and He will provide. Listen and Obey-two words I am learning so much more about.  Above all, keep me in your prayers.

CONTRIBUTIONS from my Norwegian friends can be sent to:
Ungdom i Oppdrag
Creative dts
N-6018 Aalesund

Please make all checks payable to Wendi Peck and mail to:
Gareth Peck
c/o Wendi Peck
901 Hannover Circle
Stockbridge, GA 30281

Contributions can be made straight to my Norwegian or American account.  Contact me if that would work better for you.

Thank you again and again.

Pictures of where I have been and what I am currently doing available here:
KRIK ARENA Camp Photos   
FACEBOOK: Gareth Peck or  
More info on the Creative DTS

In Christ,
Gareth Peck

Jesus said, "I will make you fisher's of Men"

London, England


The few are outside of Bergen.  Beautiful.


A Tid Bit of Bergen.
The next few are in or near Stavanger, Norway.

Outside of Hemsedal.  ON A MOUNTAIN!
This is a rock climbing- rappelling, etc. wall at the KRIK Høyfjellssenter in Hemsedal, Norway.